Hydraulic Components
EN2H-0221GE51 R0808
To ensure an adequate control reserve for all consumers
connected to the buffer tank, the demand value sent to the heat
generator can be raised by an additional temperature offset.
If the buffer tank temperature rises above the current demand
value by the set amount, the buffer loading pump is switched off.
The pump is switched on again as soon as the buffer tank
temperature drops below the current demand value.
If the set buffer maximum temperature limit is exceeded, the
excess energy can be dissipated into the heating circuits and the
hot-water tank. The heating circuits into which the forced
dissipation is routed are determined by the respective parameter.
No heat dissipation
Tank loading pump (with provision tanks only)
Dissipation of the excess heat occurs to an existing water heater.
Use a thermal mixing valve in accordance with the
regulations, as there is a risk of scalding.
Heating circuit pump(s)
Any excess heat is dissipated into the heating circuit(s). The set
maximum temperature is not exceeded here. The intended room
temperature may be exceeded for short periods.
Activate the thermostat function in conjunction with room
With floor heaters, use a system thermostat for pump forced
Buffer temperature
offset of heat generator
Buffer switching
Buffer forced
Set value