ID3000 Series Installation & Commissioning Manual
Appendix 3
A3 - 1
997-274-000-6, Issue 6
September 2009
Appendix 3
ID3000 System Design Guide
Sounder Circuits
It is recommended that at least two separate sounder circuits
are used, to ensure that some sounders do sound if one
circuit is lost.
Loading Loops - Basic Rules
The Loop and Battery Calculator (LBC) support tool software
package should be used to determine that a system design
will operate correctly based on all entered system data. The
LBC support tool takes into account the power consumption
of all loop devices such as sensors, modules and isolators
on the detection loops; these can be dedicated isolation
modules or included in some sensor bases or modules. The
LBC clearly identifies which devices are fitted with isolators.
When loading a loop with devices the LBC will prevent any
further devices being added until a sufficient number of
isolators have been included.
If the LBC is not available manually entering system data in
the Loop Calculations and Battery Requirement document (a
PDF version can be downloaded from Notifier’s technical
website for printing) and applying the rules below will help to
ensure that a system design will operate correctly. As this guide
uses worst case figures it is possible a working system may
appear unsuitable if checked using this guide even though it is
perfectly adequate.
Starting the Loop
To ensure loop isolators will close at power up no more
than 25 Start Units (SU’s) may be connected between
standard isolators, or 20 Start Units between FET isolators.
Each device has an SU count:
Beam Detector LPB-700
6 SU’s
Multi Sensor IPX-751
10 SU’s
Loop Sounder (see overleaf)
3 SU’s
Module ZMX-1
3 SU’s
Module MMX-10M/CMX10-RM
10 SU’s
All others
1 SU
Load Distribution
The loop length can be significantly affected by the distibution
of the load around the loop. The calculations for this are
complex and not considered in this guide. The worst case
loop length is given for a completely unbalanced system. In
most cases the actual achievable loop length can be
significantly longer than this (up to 800% longer depending
on the installation). If longer lengths are required then the
Loop Length and Battery Calculator Support Tool should be
used to check suitability.
sounder circuits to
guard against failure.