It is advisable to consult your doctor before using this product, in particular if you suffer with any pre-
existing health conditions (see below). It is not recommended for treatment of those under the age of 18.
Keep this appliance out of the reach of children.
Do not use for longer than the recommended time.
It is not recommended to use this device if you suffer from any of the following conditions:
• If you are pregnant or think you might be
• If you are breast-feeding
• Undergoing fertility treatments
• If you have any kind of heart disease
• If you suffer from skin problems
• Osteoporosis
• Fibromyalgia
• Malignant tumours
• Hypertension
• High cholesterol levels
• kidney problems
• Metal implants or prostheses
• Hearing implants
• Physical deformity
• Epilepsy
• Long-term treatment with medications: anti-inflammatories, anticoagulants, antibiotics or antihistamines
• Depression
• Psychiatric or psychological treatment
• Liver problems (fatty liver)
• Irritable bowel syndrome
• Diabetes
Avoid using the device to treat areas where the bone is close to the skin and there is very little fat as this
can cause discomfort.
Under no circumstances should the USL-1000-EU be used on:- head, neck, breasts, the thorax, navel,
forearm, joints, genitals, back, or lymph glands (see diagram on page 7) treatment of these areas is likely
to cause discomfort and this is not where fat deposits are located.
Avoid passing the handset over tattooed areas.
This appliance should NEVER be used by any individual suffering from any physical ailment that would
limit the user’s capacity to operate the controls.
NEVER use directly on swollen or inflamed areas or skin eruptions.
DO NOT use on an infant, invalid or on a sleeping or unconscious person.
DO NOT use on insensitive skin or on a person with poor blood circulation.
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