HOMA Pump Technology
T1-Alarms: 3
Alarm Auto reset
mask: FFFFFF00
Alarm Buzzer
Alarm Relais 3
Mask REL1
Mask REL2
Mask REL3
... back to
Main Menu
High water alarm
delay 0000sec
Alarm Relais 1
Alarm Relais 2
In some parts of the alarm menus, it is required that a “mask word” be entered. Here, the fundamental
function, however, should be explained in advance. HSK can recognise up to 31 different errors.
Further processing of these errors is controlled by the mask word. The mask word defines whether in
case of a fault occurrence, the fault is assigned to one of the alarm relays
(Mask Relays 1,2,3) or
whether an automatic reset is enabled for the fault (Alarm Auto reset mask) respectively. Therefore, in
all, four mask words must be determined.
In the control, each fault in a 32 bit binary number is allocated one bit. If the fault occurs, then this bit
is set (1), otherwise its value is (0).
When a fault event is now to be signalised, for example by alarm relay 1, then in the mask this bit
must also be set to (1). If the bit in the mask is set to (0), then the fault is recognised and processed in
the control, but it is not transferred to the relay.
If, for example, only the high water bit is set in the mask, then only a high water fault is indicated by
the alarm relay. For example only bits 9...20 which belong to pump1, can be allocated to relay 2.
The control unit HSK15 has 2 alarm relays, the control unit HSK25 has 3 alarm relays.
In case of
HSK15, the menu points for the 3rd alarm relay do not appear.