HOMA Pump Technology
When a bubbler system is used, then the pump must produce a minimum pressure. This pressure can
be monitored. When the level measurement falls below the adjusted pressure, a fault message is
generated. Entering a value of 0000cm will deactivate minimum pressure monitoring. This function can
also be used when a level should not drop below a given set point.
6.1.5 Cut-in, cut-out and alarm levels
In this menu, setpoints for the pumps are entered and displayed, for example:
Cut-out level
: 0030cm
For single and dual pump control in alternating operation mode, one pair of On and Off setpoints must
be entered. For a dual pump control in peak load operation, two pairs of ON and OFF setpoints are
required. Additionally, a high water setpoint must be entered.
For entering, press the
key (on the lower right the
-sign appears).
Now, with the arrow keys, the value of the highest digit can be changed. Using the OK key, the next
position is selected etc.
When entering the last digit is effected, on the lower left a ? sign may possibly appear (instead of the
-sign). This means that the selected setpoints are inconsistent, for example, a cut-out level is higher
than a cut-in level. When the data is consistent, then the ? sign will not appear and the
disappears after entering the last digit.
When the control unit operates with float switches, then setpoints are not shown.
When the control operates with float switches, the minimum pressure menu is not displayed.
Note: When the filter is active, the level indication can be so inert that the measured
level may deviate greatly from the level in the shaft.
The shaft may have already been emptied, the measured value, however, still indicates
a level above the cut-out setpoints and the pump may possibly run dry. Therefore,
pump capacity, setpoints, and filter values must be well in balance with each other.