HOMA Pump Technology
the operation mode of the pumps in the menu “
Operation mode
” can be changed,
one of the system menus can be selected
5.2 Main
In the standard display, the control will indicate the operational state of the pumps, the current draw of
the pumps and the measured level, e.g.:
P1:IA 5,7A 074cm
P1:0A 0,0A
The displayed values, however, depend largely on the status of the control as well as on the
parameter settings and present fault occurrences. The different variants of indication are more
precisely explained as follows:
Single pump operation
P1:IA 5,7A 074cm
Dual pump operation
P1:IA 5,7A 074cm
P2:0M 0,0A
Pump P1 is running (I) in automatic operation mode (A), current draw 5,7 A, level 74 cm
Pump P2 is switched off (0) in manual operation mode (M), current input 0,0 A
Operation with one float switch
P1:IA 5,7A 0
P1:0M 0,0A
Operation with two floats
P1:IA 5,7A 1 0
P1:0M 0,0A
Operation with three floats
P1:IA 5,7A 1 0 0
P1:0M 0,0A
float 1 float 2 float 3
1: float switched on (above)
0: float not switched on (below)
When using CPS-Version with 4/5 operation keys or manual operation mode switches, the above
menus are not present
Standard settings
see Chapter 7