6. Interior Structure 61
6.5 Polsterumbau
The A55 GS and V60 GF models cannot be converted
as the seating arrangement has not been constructed to
enable this.
None of the motor homes with alcove beds can be con
verted, because there is not enough free space when the
alcove bed has been lowered.
Seat cushion
Head rest
Seat cushion
Back cushion
Back cushion
Additional cushion
Additional cushion (only for T65 FL)
Additional cushion
Rearranging the cushions in the Optima model (example)
1. Hook the table into the lower guiding rail (see 6.3 Tables).
2. Turn the extendable table shelf all the way to the right.
3. (
T65 FL only) Position the additional plywood panel
parallel to the table and above the seating benches. Use
the additional mounting foot to support the panel in the
middle. (To carry out Step 3, the seat cushion must be
raised slightly.)
4. Place the additional cushion on the extendable table shelf.
5. (not for T65 FL) Fold over the plywood lid of the seating
bench onto the additional cushion.
6. Place the additional cushion on the table top.
7. Push the seating cushion forward.
8. Fold over the back cushion.
9. (
T65 FL only) Place the additional cushion in the empty space.