8. Water 139
8.3 Toilet
Before you can use the toilet, you must first prepare the
waste tank by following the steps below.
Preparing the waste tank
• Open the Thetford door (see 5.1) and pull the holding bar
up to remove the waste tank.
The waste tank can only be removed when the drain
valve is closed.
• Pull out the tank as far as possible, keeping it level.
• Slightly tip the waste tank and then pull it out completely.
• Place it in an upright vertical position.
• Turn the drain nozzle to an upward position.
• Fill the waste tank with the correct amount of toilet fluids.
• Then add enough water to completely cover the bottom of
the waste tank.
• Return the drain nozzle to its original position.
Use toilet fluids very sparingly. An overdose is no guaran
tee of preventing possible odours!