User Manual r1.2 EN
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4. Fan Speed.
Settings related to KNX interface for control and feedback of AC unit’s fan speed.
4.1. Auto Fan Speed.
Configures availability of Auto Fan Speed control/monitoring objects. Necessary if your
indoor unit has auto fan speed.
4.2. KNX DPT for Fan Speed comm objects. DPT_5.001, DPT_Scaling
. Control/monitoring of Fan Speed is
performed by means of scaling (percentage) objects. Thresholds for control object and values for status object
will vary according to number of fanspeeds of the unit.
4.2. KNX DPT for Fan Speed comm objects. DPT_5.010, DPT_Value_1_Ucount
. Control/monitoring of Fan
Speed is performed by means of enumerated values.
4.4. Use of 1-bit Fan Speed.
1-bit Control Objects.
Enables a bit-type object for control of fan speed.
4.5. Use of 1-bit Fan Speed.
1-bit Status Objects.
Enables a bit-type object for monitoring of each fan speed.
5. Vanes Position.
Settings related to KNX interface for control and feedback of AC unit’s vanes position.
4.1. Auto&Swing Vanes.
Configures availability of Auto and Swing control/monitoring objects.
4.2. KNX DPT for Vane Position comm objects. DPT_5.001, DPT_Scaling
. Control/monitoring of Vanes
Positions is performed by means of scaling (percentage) objects. Thresholds for control object and values for
status object will vary according to number of vanes positions of the unit.
4.2. KNX DPT for Vane Position comm objects. DPT_5.010, DPT_Value_1_Ucount
. Control/monitoring of
Vanes Positions is performed by means of enumerated values.
4.4. Use of 1-bit Fan Speed.
1-bit Control Objects.
Enables a bit-type object for control of Vanes Positions.
4.5. Use of 1-bit Fan Speed.
1-bit Status Objects.
Enables a bit-type object for monitoring of each Vanes