HITACHI Deskstar & CinemaStar 7K1000.B & Deskstar E7K1000 Hard Disk Drive specification
Output Parameters To The Device
Feature Current
The number of sectors to be transferred low order, bits (7:0).
Feature Previous
The number of sectors to be transferred high order, bits (15:8).
Sector Count Current
TAG (bits 7-3)
The TAG value shall be assigned to be different from all other queued
commands. The value shall not exceed the maximum queue depth specified by
the Word 75 of the Identify Device information.
Sector Count Previous
PRIO (bits 7)
The Priority (PRIO) value shall be assigned by the host based on the priority of
the command issued. The device shall make a best effort to complete High
priority requests in a more timely fashion than Normal priority requests. The
Priority values are defined as follows:
0b Normal priority
1b High priority
Sector Number Current
LBA (7:0)
Sector Number Previous
LBA (31:24)
Cylinder Low Current
LBA (15:8)
Cylinder Low Previous
LBA (39:32)
Cylinder High Current
LBA (23:16)
Cylinder High Previous
LBA (47:40)
FUA (bit 7)
When the FUA bit is set to 1, the completion status is indicated after the
transferred data are written to the media also when Write Cache is enabled.
When the FUA bit is set to 0, the completion status may be indicated before the
transferred data are written to the media successfully when Write Cache is
Input Parameters From The Device
Sector Number (HOB=0)
LBA (7:0) of the address of the first unrecoverable error.
Sector Number (HOB=1)
LBA (31:24)of the address of the first unrecoverable error.
Cylinder Low (HOB=0)
LBA (15:8)of the address of the first unrecoverable error.
Cylinder Low (HOB=1)
LBA (39:32)of the address of the first unrecoverable error.
Cylinder High (HOB=0)
LBA (23:16)of the address of the first unrecoverable error.
Cylinder High (HOB=1)
LBA (47:40)of the address of the first unrecoverable error.