HITACHI Deskstar & CinemaStar 7K1000.B & Deskstar E7K1000 Hard Disk Drive specification
Deviations From Standard
The device conforms to the referenced specifications, with deviations described below.
Check Power Mode
Check Power Mode command returns FFh to Sector Count Register when the
device is in Idle mode. This command does not support 80h as the return value
COMRESET response is not the same as that of Power On Reset. Refer to
section 5.1,
―Reset Response‖ for detail.
Download command is aborted when the device is in security locked mode.
COMRESET response time
During 500ms from Power On Reset, COMINIT is not returned within 10ms as a
response to COMRESET.
Streaming Commands
When the device is in standby mode,
Streaming Commands can‘t be completed
while waiting for the spindle to reach operating speed even if execution time
exceeds specified CCTL(Command Completion Time Limit).
The minimum CCTL
is 50ms.CCTL is set to 50ms when the specified value is shorter than 50ms. For
HCT7210xxSLA3y0, the minimum CCTL is 100ms.
Error Recover Control
(SCT Command set)
When the device is in standby mode, any command where error recovery time
limit is specified can‘t be completed while waiting for the spindle to reach operating
speed even if execution time exceeds specified recovery time limit.
The minimum
time limit is 6.5 second.
When the specified time limit is shorter than 6.5 second,
the issued command is aborted. For HCT7210xxSLA3y0, the minimum time limit is
0.3 second.