HITACHI Deskstar & CinemaStar 7K1000.B & Deskstar E7K1000 Hard Disk Drive specification
Sector Number (HOB=1)
LBA (31:24) of the address of the first unrecoverable error.
Cylinder Low (HOB=0)
LBA (15:8) of the address of the first unrecoverable error.
Cylinder Low (HOB=1)
LBA (39:32) of the address of the first unrecoverable error.
Cylinder High (HOB=0)
LBA (23:16) of the address of the first unrecoverable error.
Cylinder High (HOB=1)
LBA (47:40) of the address of the first unrecoverable error.
CCTO (Error, bit 0)
CCTO bit shall be set to one if a Command Completion Time Limit Out error has