COM-C | Communication Module
DOC021001DG12EN | Revision 12 | English | 2011-06 | Released | Public
© Hilscher, 2002-2011
Legal Notes
1.4.1 Copyright
© Hilscher, 2002-2011, Hilscher Gesellschaft für Systemautomation mbH
All rights reserved.
The images, photographs and texts in the accompanying material (user manual, accompanying
texts, documentation, etc.) are protected by German and international copyright law as well as in-
ternational trade and protection provisions. You are not authorized to duplicate these in whole or in
part using technical or mechanical methods (printing, photocopying or other methods), to manipu-
late or transfer using electronic systems without prior written consent. You are not permitted to
make changes to copyright notices, markings, trademarks or ownership declarations. The included
diagrams do not take the patent situation into account. The company names and product descrip-
tions included in this document may be trademarks or brands of the respective owners and may be
trademarked or patented. Any form of further use requires the explicit consent of the respective
rights owner.
1.4.2 Important
The user manual, accompanying texts and the documentation were created for the use of the
products by qualified experts, however, errors cannot be ruled out. For this reason, no guarantee
can be made and neither juristic responsibility for erroneous information nor any liability can be as-
sumed. Descriptions, accompanying texts and documentation included in the user manual do not
present a guarantee nor any information about proper use as stipulated in the contract or a war-
ranted feature. It cannot be ruled out that the user manual, the accompanying texts and the docu-
mentation do not correspond exactly to the described features, standards or other data of the de-
livered product. No warranty or guarantee regarding the correctness or accuracy of the information
is assumed.
We reserve the right to change our products and their specification as well as related user manu-
als, accompanying texts and documentation at all times and without advance notice, without obli-
gation to report the change. Changes will be included in future manuals and do not constitute any
obligations. There is no entitlement to revisions of delivered documents. The manual delivered with
the product applies.
Hilscher Gesellschaft für Systemautomation mbH is not liable under any circumstances for direct,
indirect, incidental or follow-on damage or loss of earnings resulting from the use of the information
contained in this publication.