General note
The documentation in the form of a user manual, an operating instruction
manual or other manual types, as well as the accompanying texts have
been created for the use of the products by qualified personnel. When
using the products, all Safety Messages, Integrated Safety Messages,
Property Damage Messages and all valid legal regulations must be obeyed.
Technical knowledge is presumed. The user has to assure that all legal
regulations are obeyed.
Intended use
With the PC card CIFX M223090AE-CO\F a CANopen Slave
communication can be realized if the corresponding firmware is loaded.
Information about the permitted firmware versions can be found in section
Revision or version status of hardware and software
Personnel qualification
The PC card may only be installed, configured, operated or uninstalled by
qualified personnel. Job-specific technical skills for people professionally
working with electricity must be present concerning the following topics:
Safety and health at work
Mounting and connecting of electrical equipment
Measurement and Analysis of electrical functions and systems
Evaluation of the safety of electrical systems and equipment
Installing and configuring IT systems
CIFX M223090AE-CO\F | Hardware description and installation
DOC210203UM02EN | Revision 2 | English | 2021-09 | Released | Public
© Hilscher 2021