11. Tighten the drain screw. Install the grommet.
12. Place the fuel cock in the closed position. Tighten the air vent screw.
13. If “Fogging Oi1” is not available, remove the spark plug. Pour a teaspoonful of clean engine
oil into the cylinder. Crank several times manually. Replace the spark plug.
14. Remove the outboard motor from the test tank.
15. Install the silencer cover and top cowling.
16. Drain the cooling water completely out of the motor. Clean the body thoroughly.
1. Grease the spark plug threads and install the spark plug(s) and torque to proper specification.
2. Change the gear oil.Inspect the oil for the presence of water that indicates a leaky seal.
3. Grease all grease fittings.
Cleaning the outboard motor
After use, wash the exterior of the outboard motor with fresh water. Flush the cooling system with
fresh water.