Cut the forward top 1/4 sq. main spar to length and glue the two remaining dihedral braces to it as you did the lower spar.
Now glue the spar into position. Now glue the two shear webs A into position against the rear of the spars.
Glue the remaining sheet to the top of the center section. The forward sheet is glued to the top of W-12 and against the
front face of the dihedral brace on the main spar. The rear sheet runs from the aft face of the main spar and the 1 trailing
edge. Now remove the center section from the plan. and trim the top and bottom sheet flush with the front of W-12.
Laminate the four main wing spars from 1/8 x 1/4 balsa strips as shown on the plan. Pin the left hand lower outboard main
spar and the lower left trailing edge into position on the plan. The inboard ends should terminate between W-2 and W-3.
The outboard ends can be left long and be trimmed flush with the last rib after assembly.
Trim the ends of the 1/16 x 1 trailing edges (where they meet at W-7) to the angles shown on the plan. Glue the trailing
edges together over the plan. When the glue is dry, trim the outer piece to match the plan. Assemble the three remaining
trailing edges as you did the first.
Place the wing center section into position against the left lower spar and trailing edge. Rock the center section so that the
dihedral braces are in contact with the lower spar and are flat on the building board. Glue the dihedral braces to the
outboard main spar and glue the trailing edge to the center section.
Glue the lower 1/16 sheet into position between the lower spar and the 1 lower trailing edge. Now glue ribs W-3 and W-4
into position. Rib W-3 should be tight against Rib W-2 of the center section.
Glue the remaining ribs (W-5 thru W-11) into position. These ribs are to be 90 degrees to the building board.