Assembly Instructions
1BPGDV rev C
2.1 Place protective barrier (blanket, ect.) on floor surface.
2.2 Place (2) shims on floor. shims should be between 1/8” and 1/2” thick,
approximately 1” wide.
2.3 Place worksurface face down onto shims. Shims should be flush with
outside edge of worksurface.
2.4 Place worksurface stiffener at center of worksurface. Location may differ
depending on specific application (under worksurface storage, ect.).
2.5 While applying downward force to worksurface (by standing on backside
of worksurface to create opposing bow) predrill worksurface through stiffener
hole locations. Note: Pilot hole size if 3/32”. Standard screw is #10 X 3/4
2.6 While maintaining downward force, insert screws. Start from center, work
outward, alternating sides. Install screws in all available holes in stiffener.
Step 2
#10 Pan Head Screw
Stiffener (FK696)
Work Surface (FKS10)
3.1 Center Legs, left to right, (for typical applications) on Work Surface. Legs
should be positioned 1/32 inch sub-flush of rear edge of work surface (will
leave Leg 1/8 inch sub-flush to front edge of work surface.
3.2 Using mounting brackets as guide, drill pilot holes for screws.
3.3 Secure Leg Assembly to Work Surface with (12) #14 Pan Head Screws.
Step 3
Leg Assembly
Wor Surface (FKS10)
#14 Pan Head Screw
Step 4
Wire Manager
4.1 If Wire Manager was ordered, use it as guide to drill pilot holes for
4.2 Attach Wire Manager to Work Surface with #14 Pan Head Screws.
#14 Pan Head Screw