Quick Installation Guide
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5.17 Fill-in check list
With the finally optimised PA settings one more short calibration with 80 Hz offset should
be run. Use the checklist (see attachments) to fill in the measured values. We recommend
to use this check list for regular system checks.
5.18 Seal connectors
Now all outdoor connectors should be sealed. Also all antenna coils if not yet done.
5.19 Run single acquisition
The system performance can be checked now by running a single acquisition. It is
recommended to use even for these first tests at least 512 samples.
Don’t forget to
switch off the 80 Hz offset
On all channels the 1
order Bragg lines should be clearly visible. The range for all
channels should be similar.
Please refer to the following chapters to get instructions about how to run these tests.
Final configuration
The system configuration file should be pre-configured prior to the installation. If
modifications are required, please refer to the WERA user manual, chapter 6: “Final