Quick Installation Guide
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Position of Container
If possible find a place for the container in-line or behind the antenna arrays. It is possible
to use the roof of the container to place the TX array. In this case the container should be
placed in line or in front of the Rx array.
The container needs to be placed at least 20 cm above ground due to the opening for the
cables is in the floor. The fundament can be made with brig stones or wooden beams.
Transportation and Handling of Container
The container can be lifted with a forklift or a crane that can handle 3000 kg of load. For
transportation all electronic units need to be packed carefully and the empty 19’ rack
should be stabilised. All boxes inside the container need to be protected to prevent
Please note
, if the computer is placed inside the container for transportation it is strongly
recommended to install an extra protection for the CPU heat sink.
Antenna Positions
Rx Antennas
The Rx antenna array should be installed about parallel (+/-15°) to the shore line or the
edge of a cliff. The centre of the Tx array should be located in line with the Rx array or in-
front of the Rx array. If the Rx array may be installed on a cliff, the Tx can be installed
down hills, directly in front.
It is possible to place the array as a curved array or even as random spaced antenna
array. In all cases the distance between the Rx antenna poles should be about:
Rx pole to pole distance = 0.45
In case of the standard linear configuration the accuracy of this distance should be ±10cm.
In any other case the individual antenna positions need to be measured by means of a
differential GPS that can provide the ±10cm accuracy.
The variation in height is less critical for the Rx array. A slope of half the pole length can
be accepted.
Forklift for normal road
Off road option