Helmholz GmbH & Co. KG | Hannberger Weg 2 | 91091 Großenseebach | Germany | Phone +49 9135 7380-0 | Fax +49 9135 7380-110 | [email protected] | www.helmholz.com
The contents of this Quick Start Guide have been checked by us so as to ensure that they match the hardware and software described. However, we assume no liability for any
existing differences, as these cannot be fully ruled out.
The information in this Quick Start Guide is, however, updated on a regular basis. When using your purchased products, please make sure to use the latest version of this
Quick Start Guide, which can be viewed and downloaded on the Internet at www.helmholz.de. Our customers are important to us. We are pleased to receive suggestions for
improvement and new impulses.
This product was created with open source software. The licensing conditions for the open source software used can be found in the download area of the product at www.helmholz.
de. You can receive a compilation of the open source software used as a DVD for up to 3 years following the purchase of the product for a contribution of €30 plus shipping costs
when you send us an e-mail.
1) Windows is a registered trademark of the Microsoft Corporation.
2) Simatic and STEP 7 are registered trademarks of Siemens AG.