Page 16
This chapter describes four basic installation processes:
Connecting panels together
Connecting panels across an obstruction
Securing panels to the roof (sloping or flat)
Gluing PVC joints
Connecting panels together
Lay the two panels side by side with the panel
spacer bars facing down. Place a PPC connector
(top, bottom, gasket and latch) at both ends where
the headers meet.
Clean the groove of both headers and dry them.
Insert the gasket (420211) into the groove of one
of the headers.
Connect the two headers by inserting the rubber
gasket (420211) into the opposite header groove
and fitting the ends of both headers into the plastic
panel clamp.
Make sure that the gasket sits
snugly in the grooves of both headers, and is
not squashed or pinched between the
headers, as this could result in leaking.
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