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Replacing a damaged riser tube
In the event of a riser getting damaged and leaking, one of the advantages of Heliocol collectors is
the ease with which the leaking riser can be removed, the leak repaired, and a replacement riser
attached to maintain the uniform appearance of the panel.
A damaged riser is replaced using a Heliocol riser repair kit (consisting of two rubber sleeves and
two plastic plugs), and the broken riser itself.
Water does not run through the replacement riser. The purpose of the replacement is only to
maintain the uniform appearance of the panel.
Figure B1: Heliocol riser repair plug (left) and sleeve (right)
Cat. No.1202910 for panel
Cat. No.1203910 for panel
Figure B2: Heliocol riser repair tools:
Specific Heliocol repair handle
Cat. No. 1202880
7 mm Chisel
Do not use a chisel more than 7mm wide, as you might damage the adjacent risers as you
remove the broken riser.
Using a 7 mm chisel, and holding the flat side of
the chisel towards the header, cut through the
damaged riser, flush against the header. A round
hole is created in the manifold header.
Repeat at other end of riser and save the removed
riser for use in the repair.
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