Induction Curve Window
Generally, control buttons and checkboxes of the <Induct. Curve> win-
dow work as described for the <Chart> window.
The <Induct. Curve> window displays fluorescence induction curves,
and combinations between fluorescence induction and recovery curves
provided that the curves were automatically recorded by execution of
<Induct. Curve> or <IC+Recov.> programs, respectively. The <Rec.>
panel of the sidebar (Box (3)), lists the induction curves present as as-
cending numbers with prefix IC. Curves can be selected by left-clicking
on the curve number. Thereafter, sequential viewing of “IC curves” is
possible by using the up/down arrows keys on the computer keyboard.
The parameters of <Induct. Curve> or <IC+Recov.> programs can be
configured in the <Settings> window.
Light Curve Window
With <PAR> checked, the <Light Curve>
window displays “Rapid Light Curves” recorded by the <Light Curve>
or <LC+Recov.> programs (Box 7) using PAR (photosynthetic active
radiation, µmoles photons/(m
· s)) as the abscissa data.
The Rapid Light Curve function of WinControl-3 employs 8 increasing
light levels which correspond to 8 neighboring levels of the 12-partite
internal PAR list displayed in the <Settings> window. The intensity
range of the light curve and the time interval allotted to each intensity
level can be adjusted in the <Settings> window. The <Rec.> panel of the
sidebar (Box (3)), lists the light curves present as numbers with prefix
LC. The <Online> data <Ft>, <PAR*>, and <Temp*> are not available
in a light curve diagram but can be displayed by choosing experimental
time as abscissa data by checking <Time>.
The <Sidebar> in the <Light Curve> window offers the control func-
tions introduced before. Additionally, the <Val.> panel controls the dis-
play of two different regression graphs denoted <REG1> and <REG2>.