Also, three groups of saturating pulse data are displayed in Box (4).
Group 1 (Fo, Fm, Fv/Fm) includes data measured with a dark-
acclimated sample before light-exposure but Group 3 (F´ to Fo´) repre-
sent data obtained during illumination. Group 2 represents fluorescence
parameters characterizing the state of photosynthesis in the light. Some
of the Group 3 data, however, require fluorescence measurements with
the dark-acclimated sample that is Group 1 data.
Group 1
Fluorescence data from a dark-acclimated sample with actinic
light switched off.
Basic fluorescence yield (relative units) recorded with low
measuring light intensities.
Maximal chlorophyll fluorescence yield when photosystem II
reaction centers are closed by a strong light pulse (relative
Fv/Fm = (Fm-Fo)/Fm; maximum photochemical quantum yield of
photosystem II.
Group 2
The group includes data of qP, qL, qN, NPQ, Y(NPQ), and
Y(NO) and, thus, matches the group of <Quench> data in the
<Val.> sidebar (see above). If Fo’ is calculated (see 6.1.2), cal-
culations of all 6 types of data require both, initial fluores-
cence determinations with the dark-acclimated sample and
saturating pulse measurements during exposure. If Fo´-Mode
is checked, the Fo´ is measured, and, thus, Fo or Fm fluores-
cence data are not required for calculations of qP of qL (see
Table 6.1).
Group 3
The group corresponds to the <SAT-pulse> data in the <Val.>
sidebar (see above) and includes F’, Fo’ and Fm’ of the last
saturating pulse analysis during light exposure but also data of
Y(II), PAR and ETR. Note that a tilde as prefix of value of Fo’
indicates the Fo’ is calculated as described in 3.2 and not