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A dirty air filter will restrict air flow to the carburetor and cause poor engine performance.
Inspect the air filter each time the engine is operated. You will need to clean the air filter more
frequently if you operate the engine in very dusty areas.
WARNING! Operating the engine without an air filter, or with a damaged air filter,
will allow dirt to enter the engine, causing rapid engine wear. This type of damage
is not covered.
CAUTION: The air filter must be serviced (cleaned) after 25 hours normal working.
Service more frequently when operating the machine in extremely dusty areas.
1. Release the air filter cover (pic. 14C)
2. Remove the air filter cover. Be careful to prevent dirt and debris from falling into the air filter
3. Remove the air filter from the air filter base.
4. Inspect the air filter elements. Clean dirty elements.
5. To loosen debris, gently tap the filter on a hard surface or blow compressed air through the
filter from the inside out. Never try to brush the dirt off, brushing will force dirt into the
fibers. If the filter is excessively dirty, replace with a new filter.
6. Install the filter back.
7. Close the cover and secure it.
NOTE: Replace filter if frayed, torn, damaged or unable to be cleaned.
Dla uzyskania najlepszych rezultatów, należy wymienić świecę zapłonowa, co każdych 100
godzin pracy. Używać tylko zalecaną świecę zapłonową, ta ma właściwą wartość cieplną dla
temperatur eksploatacyjnych silnika. W celu stwierdzenia aktualnych rodzajów polecanych świec
należy skontaktować się z autoryzowanym ośrodkiem serwisowym.
Uwaga!!! Jeśli silnik był na krótko przed uruchomiony, powierzchnia tłumika i świecy
jest bardzo gorąca. Należy, dlatego bardzo uważać, aby uniknąć poparzenia.
UWAGA: Niewłaściwa świeca zapłonowa może spowodować uszkodzenie silnika.
For good performance, the spark plug must be properly gapped and free of deposits.
1. Disconnect the cap from the spark plug (pic. 14B) and remove any dirt from the spark plug area.
2. Use the proper size spark plug wrench to remove the spark plug.
3. Inspect the spark plug. Replace it if damaged, badly fouled, if the sealing washer is in poor
condition, or if the electrode is worn.
4. Measure the electrode gap with a suitable gauge. The correct gap is listed in the Specifications.
If adjustment is needed, correct the gap by carefully bending the side electrode.
5. Install the spark plug carefully, by hand, to avoid cross-threading.
6. After the spark plug is seated, tighten with the proper size spark plug wrench to compress the washer.
7. When installing a new spark plug, tighten by 1/2 turn after the spark plug seats to compress the washer.
8. When reinstalling the original spark plug, tighten by 1/8 - 1/4 turn after the spark plug seats
to compress the washer.