Heat & Glo • Paloma • 7031-220 Rev. P • 10/08
Fire Hazard.
Explosion Risk.
Asphyxiation Risk.
Do NOT connect this gas appliance to a chimney
fl ue serving a separate solid-fuel or gas burning
• Vent this appliance directly outside.
• Use separate vent system for this appliance.
May impair safe operation of this appliance or
other appliances connected to the fl ue.
ALL vent confi guration specifi cations MUST be followed.
• This product is tested and listed to these specifi cations.
• Appliance performance will suffer if specifi cations are not
B. Use of Elbows
Figure 5.1
Vent Information
A. Venting Components
In order to comply with applicable codes and product
warranties, use only following venting components:
• Hearth & Home Technologies (HHT)
• Simpson Dura-Vent (SDV)
. Refer to the venting manufacturer’s instructions.
This product is approved to be vented either horizontally,
through the side wall or vertically through the roof. You
may vent through a Class A or masonry chimney if an
approved adapter is used.
This appliance is a direct vent heater. All combustion air
must come directly from the outside of the building. The
vent pipe for this unit consists of an inner and an outer
pipe. The inner pipe carries the appliance exhaust out of
the system, and the outer pipe brings fresh combustion
air into the appliance.
• A round support box/wall thimble or heat shield is
required when the venting passes through a combus-
tible wall.
• A support box or ceiling fi restop is required when the
venting passes through a ceiling.
• Roof fl ashing and a storm collar are required when
venting passes through the roof.
• Follow instructions provided with the venting for instal-
lation of these items.Em velissit lorpero et, velestie
C. Measuring Standards
Vertical and horizontal measurements were made using
the following standards.
1. Pipe measurements are from center line to center line.
2. Horizontal terminations are measured to the outside
mounting surface (fl ange of termination cap) (see
Figure 4.1) on page 9.
3. Vertical terminations are measured to the top of the last
pipe before termination cap.
4. Horizontal pipe installed level with no rise.
8-1/2 in.
8-1/2 in.
12 in.
Diagonal runs have both vertical and horizontal vent as-
pects when calculating the effects. Use the rise for the
vertical aspect and the run for the horizontal aspect (see
Figure 5.1).
Two 45º elbows may be used in place of one 90º elbow. On
45º runs, one foot of diagonal is equal to 8-1/2 (216 mm)
inches horizontal run and 8-1/2 (216 mm) inches vertical
run. A length of straight pipe is allowed between two 45º
elbows (see Figure 5.1).