PreVentatiVe maintenanCe
Congratulations on the purchase of the KINGSHARK2 DC.
The KINGSHARK2 DC is built and designed to give you years of service.
In order to maximize efficiency and receive long term service, we suggest the following:
1. Thoroughly rinse the entire unit after use.
2. Clean filters thoroughly after each use - a clogged filter will decrease efficiency
3. Remove any twists in the cord after each use. Twisting should be minimal if the
unit is functioning properly.
4. Avoid allowing the unit to “cool down” in the water. Remove the unit immediately
after each use.
5. Inspect belts and filters frequently. Replace when necessary.
6. Always keep your Sensor Bar level (a non-level Sensor Bar will cause the cord to
Protect your investment!
Following these quick and easy steps will extend the life and efficiency of your
eleCtriC StanDarD/COUntry
F NF EN C 15-100
GB BS7671:1992
D DIN VDE 0100-702
EW EVHS-HD 384-7-702
A ÖVE 8001-4-702
H MSZ 2364-702:1994 / MSZ 10-533 1/1990
E UNE 20460-7-702 1993, REBT ITC-BT-31 2002
M MSA HD 384-7-702.S2
IRL Wiring Rules + IS HD 384-7-702
PL PN-IEC 60364-7-702:1999
CEI 64-8/7
CZ CSN 33 2000 7-702
LUx 384-7.702 S2
SK STN 33 2000-7-702
NL NEN 1010-7-702
SLO SIST HD 384-7-702.S2
TR TS IEC 60364-7-702