Aqua Connect: Performing a Range Test
Step 2
Step 3
To perform a range test unplug the
ACHN and hold down the “Teach”
button. While holding down the button
plug in the power cable.
Keep holding down the teach button
until the LEDs flash in unison; once
flashing let go of the teach button and
watch the LEDs.
After two minutes the number of LEDs
illuminated will indicate signal strength.
3-4 LEDs are desired, if less, reposition
the ACHN or antenna and retest.
Note: If two LEDs or less appear after conducting a range test, relocate the base antenna or the
ACHN device to achieve a stronger RF signal strength.
Page 19
Use the following steps to perform a range test, verifying the RF signal strength
between the ACHN device and the control system. Once complete, clear the test
by power cycling the ACHN device.
Step 1