34: With the whipping needle loaded with twine, tie the end of the twine through the slot in the appropriate
connector plate. Then feed the needle around the horizontal bar and through the net to neatly tie in the
nets. Finally tie off the twine through a slot in the opposing connector plate. When you are completely
happy with the result, remove all the net clips (ref :25) and trim off any untidy net edges with a pair of
33: Load the whipping needle with the whipping twine supplied by first tying one end of the twine into a loop
over the spine in the centre of the needle. Pull the twine to the blunt end of the needle and turn the needle.
Wrap the twine around the central spine and back under the blunt end of the needle. Continue to wind the
twine onto the needle stopping just before the needle becomes to large to fit through the mesh of the fruit
cage. (For images of this please see page 8).
35: Walk around the perimeter of your cage and insert the ground pegs (ref:24) approximately three per
metre to secure the bottom of the side net. Check that the top edge of the side net lines up with the top edge
of the horizontal bars, trimming where necessary. Tie in the sides of the roof net(s) to the horizontal bars
and side net by using the twine and whipping needle, again trimming where necessary. Net clips (ref:25)
can be used to aid in this process.
36: Finally, if you are happy with the fit of the nets, with scissors or side cutters trim off the ends of the net
ties. You may wish to also whip the roof nets to the curved bars. Your cage is now finished - Happy Growing!
fig 15
fig 15
fig 16
fig 16
32: Using net ties (ref:26) passed through the slots provided in the corner connector plates secure the
fitted roof net(s)(fig15). Then using more net ties (approximately 1 every 40cm) work your way up the
curved roof support bars (ref:23) and secure the net to the curved bars along the net’s seams (fig16).
Where two roof nets meet, pull one of the net’s edges over and under a horizontal bar and secure to itself
with net clips (ref:25). Do not pull the net too tight or it will not follow the curved roof bars. Next pull the
adjoining net’s edge under the horizontal bar and secure to the underside of the other net panel. Again do
not pull the net too tight or it will not follow the form of the curved roof bars.
31: Trim the net level
with the top of the
door. Any side net
sticking up above the
top edge of the 2.5m
h o r i z o n t a l
b a r s
around the perimeter
of the cage can also
be trimmed. Secure
the net to the door
using ties (ref :26).