8: Once all of the marking out is complete, carefully dismantle the horizontal bar framework
leaving connected only bars that can exist as a complete square unit (see step 13 for reference).
Note that the threaded holes in the horizontal bars always face upwards.
9: Your site should be laid out in a
similar way shown in (fig1). If
your site slopes, level the strings
with the aid of a spirit level.
Position the door on the lowest
side of the cage if possible to
ensure that all of the uprights
(ref:4) can enter the ground at
least the required distance of
10: With the aid of a mallet and a stake,
carefully create appropriately sized holes
in the ground about 32.5cm deep to
receive the uprights (ref:4). The uprights
can be concreted if required but do not set
until the steel framework is fully
assembled and levelled.
11: Place the uprights (ref:4) into the holes and at the
same time slide on the foot plates (ref:12) as shown in
(fig 2). The uprights should be pushed into the ground
approximately 30cm at this point.
13: Your site should now look something like
shown in (fig 4) - depending on
your own
particular cage configuration. Check the
uprights are vertical with the aid of a spirit level.
14: Locate the door support upright(s) (ref:4) such
that the gap between it and the upright door will
hinge is 77cm between inside faces (fig 5).
15. Slide the flat latch block (ref:7) onto
the door supporting upright and tighten
loosely as shown in (fig 6). Position the
T-joint along the horizontal bar to line up
with the door support upright.
fig 5
fig 5
fig 4
fig 4
12. Before attaching the roof unit to
the uprights ensure that two hinge
parts (Ref.8) are slid onto the
hinging upright as shown in (fig 3).
Attach the fixings but at this stage
do not fully tighten. Ensure the pivot
axis is towards the outside of the
cage for a door that opens
fig 6
fig 6