17: At all horizontal bar
joins, bolt (ref:21,22) the
appropriate connector
plate (ref:18,19,20) as in
the example shown in (fig
7) using a 17mm spanner.
18: Your cage should now in
essence resemble (fig8), with all
the horizontal bars and connector
plates in place. On the side(s) of
the cage that the door(s) are
located measure from the ground
to top face of the horizontal bar.
With a soft mallet, tap the uprights
i n t o
t h e
g r o u n d
u n t i l
t h i s
measurement is 2 metres. Check
that the door support upright (ref:4)
is vertical and then tighten the bolt
with a 13mm spanner.
20: Using two 13mm spanners lock the foot plates (ref :12) in
place on the door support upright and the hinge by tightening the
M8 bolt. This prevents the uprights sinking. After this level out all
the horizontal bars using a spirit level and soft mallet. Lock off all
remaining foot plate clamps once this is done (fig10).
21: Take the connection node/finial (ref 17 or 27 depending
on choice) and insert the curved roof bar with the hole 3.5cm
from the end, and bolt together using an M10 bolt and
Washer (ref 21, 22) in place with the aid of a 17mm spanner
(fig 11). Assemble as many roof units as required for the
constructed framework and place on the outside of the cage.
Then place a fitted roof net over each unit.
fig 7
fig 7
fig 10
fig 10
fig 11
fig 11
Orientation of the curve bars is important as the holes are
different distances from the ends.
16: Locate the first square unit into the
tops of the uprights and the support
Locate any other complete square
horizontal bar units in the same way
making sure all threaded holes on the
horizontals are facing upwards.
19. The door frame(s) can be assembled with the
diagram on page 2 to assist you. Before inserting
the connectors ensure the hinge/latch blocks are
inserted on the vertical bars as shown in (fig9).
The hinge blocks must be in the same orientation as
that on the door hinging upright and the flat of the
catch blocks must face each other.
Left hand side
of door
Right hand side
of door