D.I.Y Multifunction LCR & ESR Tester
Level: Intermediate AK-105
Turn on the Unit only after you have followed the
soldering guide.
To calibrate the system (self-test), connect a cable
into all three ports thus effectively shorting each
one. You must press the power button and hold on
to it within 2 seconds of powering on to enter
config mode.
In config mode the system will begin self-testing,
do not touch or remove the cables. When the
system says “isolate probe” you can remove the
three cables and immediately place a Ceramic
capacitor value of 0.1uF to 20uF into pin 1 and pin
3. (Do not connect an Electrolytic Capacitor)
After the configuration is done you can connect
any transistor, capacitors (including electrolytic),
potentiometers, resistors, diodes, inductors and
more into three ports in any order to test.
The unit will auto power off in 28 seconds after
Operation Guide