meter allows two types of calibration procedures:
• Standard up to four‑point conductivity calibration with standards for cell factor determination:
0 μS/cm for offset
84 μS/cm, 1413 μS/cm, 5.0 mS/cm,12.88 mS/cm for the 0.1/cm cell
80.0 mS/cm, 111.8 mS/cm additional standards for the 1.0/cm cell
• Standard single point salinity calibration in 100% salinity standard, with the parameter reading set to
Salinity and Salinity Scale set to %.
Conductivity parameter must be calibrated first.
• Remove plastic bung prior to calibration.
• Clean the probe in distilled water, shake off water droplets, and allow to dry prior to calibration.
• Use a calibration standard with a value that is close to that of the sample.
• Inspect the probe for debris or blockages.
• Ensure the vent holes are completely submerged.
• Tap the probe to remove any air bubbles that may be trapped inside the sleeve.
• To minimize cross‑contamination, when a two‑point calibration is required, use two beakers: one for rinsing
the probe and the other for calibration.
• For measurements across a temperature gradient (when water temperature is drastically different from the
standards), allow the probe to reach thermal equilibrium before conducting calibrations or making measurements.
Automatic Calibration
With option selected, the
automatically selects the closest standard to the value being measured.
49 Calibration