LDU 179.1 Technical Manual rev. 1.10 - February 2019 Page 13 of 45
The following commands can be executed direct:
bit7 bit6 bit5 bit4 bit3 bit2 bit1 bit0
- Setting trigger start: Transmit RPDO2 [128]
6.3 The SDOs
The CANopen SDOs is a confirmed service, and overrun does not occur if the CAN controller only communicates
with the LDU in the PRE-OPERATIONAL state. When a SDO has been received by the controller no further
communication takes place until the service has been acknowledged (or a timeout occurs).
Are only available on request
See tables 6.5 Object Directory
Can be used for complete setup of the LDU 179.1 via CAN bus master, e.g:
- Filter setting: Index 2100, Subindex 4
- Filter Mode setting: Index 2100, Subindex 9
Can be used to get information regarding all the commands available, e.g:
- Net weight: Index 2900, Subindex 2
- AD sample: Index 2900, Subindex 7