LDU 179.1 Technical Manual rev. 1.10 - February 2019 Page 33 of 45
8.6.4. GS Get ADC Sample Value
[ SDO 2900 sub 07 ]
This command gets the actual Analogue to Digital Converter (ADC) value. This can be useful during
development or when calibrating to see how much of the ADC range is being used.
Master (PC / SPS) sends
Slave (LDU 179.1) responds
ADC sample value = 125785 d
For service purposes
it may be helpful to note the GS values for the “no-load” or “zero” output and when the
“calibration load” is applied.
8.6.5. GW
Get Data String “Net, Gross and Status“
[ n.a. ]
Master (PC / SPS) sends
Slave (LDU 179.1) resp.
Net value: +000100 d (no decimal point)
Gross value: +001100 d (no decimal point)
Status bit 1: 5 (not used)
Status bit 2: 1 (Hex)
Check sum: 09 (Hex)
The status bits 1 and 2 are defined as follows:
Value = 1
Value = 2
Value = 4
Value = 8
Status bit 1 Not used
Not used
Output 0 active
Output 1 active
Status bit 2 Signal stable
Set zero performed
Tare active
Not used
The check sum is the reciprocal value of the sum of all ASCII values within the data string without the check
sum itself.
8.6.6. GA Get Triggered Average Value
[ SDO 2900 sub 06 ]
This command reads the measurement result of a measurement cycle. The measurement value has been
averaged according the defined measuring time. The trigger commands can be found in chapter 8.12 and 8.13.
Master (PC / SPS) sends
Slave (LDU 179.1) responds
Request: GA = 1100 g
For preventing errors during the read out of the data, the register GA has stored the value 999999 at the
beginning of the measurement cycle. The measurement result can only be read after the defined measuring
time MT has been elapsed and before a new measurement cycle has been started.
8.6.7. GL
Get Data String “Average, Gross and Status“
[ n.a. ]
Master (PC / SPS) sends
Slave (LDU 179.1) resp.
Average value: +000100 d (no decimal point)
Gross value: +001100 d (no decimal point)
Status bit 1: 5 (not used)
Status bit 2: 1 (Hex)
Check sum: 09 (Hex)
For check sum, status bit 1 and status bit 2, see command GW.
8.6.8. OF Output Format for Data String GW and GL
[ n.a. ]
This command puts the range information and/or the decimal point into the “long” data strings of the GW and
GL output response.