Document #101-0079
To calibrate the optics:
1. Power up the validator
*Validator must be in its normal operating position
2. Turn all switches to the OFF position
3. Set switches #8 and #1 to the on position
• Switches must be set in that order
• A “0” should appear on the display
4. Take a clean piece of white copier paper and cut it to the size of a bill (test bill)
5. Run it through the validator, it will step through. This will take about 10 seconds.
6. After the test bill is rejected, remove it from the validator. You should end up with a 1 on the display. If it
is a “3” the validator needs to be serviced.
7. Turn OFF switches #1 and #8, in that order
8. Now, turn the switches back to their original positions
9. Optic calibration is complete
To calibrate the side scans:
1. Power up validator
• Validator must be in its normal operating position
2. Turn all switches to the OFF position
3. Set switches #6 and # 1 to the ON position. The display will flash a “9”, then count down to a “1”.
4. Turn OFF switch #1 a dash “-” will show on the display, wait for the decimal point then turn OFF switch
5. Now, turn the switches back to their original positions
6. Side scan calibration is complete