Manual code search run
• Turn on the device manually.
• Press the source key (3) (TV, STB, AUX,
VCR, DVD) shortly.
• Hold the key setup (16) pressed for
approx. 3 seconds until the red LED lights
up permanently.
• You press repeatedly the key POWER (1)
after each other (this can be up to 350
times), only at VCR (Video recorders) asks
the key P+ (8) or P- (8)
• to the device that is supposed to be
operated, off, or changes the channel or
reacts correspondingly. The code-search
is begun with the code number currently
stored on the cluster.
• Press shortly OK (10) in order to store the
code. Due to the extensive number of the
different code numbers different codes
are preprogrammed per device type up to
350. In individual cases it is possible that
only the most common primary functions
are available. With some specifi c device
models it can be that the described
procedure does not lead to the success.
Automatic search run
If your device does not respond to the
remote control although you tried out all
codes performed for your device type and the
corresponding brand, you attempt it with the
automatic search run. Through that you can
fi nd also such codes of such brands which
are not performed in the device code list.
• Turn on the device manually
• Press the source key (3) (TV, STB, AUX,
VCR, DVD) shortly.
• Hold the key setup (16) pressed for
approx. 3 seconds until the red LED lights
up permanently.
• Focus the remote control on the device
and press the key P+ (8) once shortly.
• If the device does not have any program-
function, you press the key POWER (1)
instead of the P+ (8).
• The remote control starts the code
search after 6 seconds and sends in the
1 second’s clock pulse (see also next
section) after each other all codes. At
every sending the red LED lights up.
• As soon as the device reacts to the
remote control, you press OK (10). You
missed it to press OK in time, you keep
up the key P- to return (8) in a step by
step way for the code which the device
reacted to.
• In order to abort the search, you press
EXIT (12).
When the remote control instead of 1 only
every 3 seconds a new code is supposed to
send, you go on as follows.
You press within 6 seconds according to
pressures of the key P+ (8) (and/or POWER
(1)) how in before described, the key P+ (8)
or P- (8) still once. The remote control sends
now a new code only every 3 seconds.
Through that you win more time in order to
abort the process, however, the code search
through that lasts also longer.
According to code search trade name
• This function offers you the possibility, to
search for trade names (see code set).
• Turn on the device manually.
• Press the source key (3) (TV, STB, AUX,
VCR, DVD) shortly.
• Hold the key setup (16) pressed for
approx. 3 seconds until which red LED
lights up permanently.
• Enter the one-digit code according to
following table.
1 Philips
2 Sony, Panasonic, JVC, Toshiba
3 Thomson
4 Telefunken
5 Grundig
6 Nokia
0 All other brands for this cluster
• You press the key P+ (8) repeatedly (or at
video recorders the key POWER (1)) or
until the device reacts correspondingly.
Go ahead in this case speedily since
otherwise the automatic code search is
• Store the code from OK (10) through
• All codes were searched, the red LED
fl ashes for approx. 3 seconds.
Code-identifi cation
The code identifi cation offers you the
possibility, already to determine entered
codes that are stored in the remote control.
So go ahead.
• Turn on the affecting device manually.
• Press the source key (3) (TV, STB, AUX,
VCR, DVD) shortly.
• Hold the key setup (16) pressed for
approx. 3 seconds until the red LED lights
up permanently.
• You press the key setup (16) shortly,
the red LED goes out shortly during the
• In order to fi nd the fi rst number, you press
the numeric keys from 0 to 9.
• If the red LED goes out shortly, it is the
fi rst stored number.
• In order to fi nd the second number, you
press in turn the numeric keys from 0 to 9
until the red LED goes out.
• Repeat the process for the third and the
fourth number.
• The red LED goes out as soon as the key
was pressed for the fourth number.
• The code-identifi cation is now fi nished.
Normal use
After you have carried out the programming
of your remote control for yours audio/video
device, the remote control works in the most
common primary functions as the original
remote control of the respective device.
Focus your remote control on the wanted
device and press the corresponding source
key. The red LED will light up shortly.
They activate the functions now through
pressing of the corresponding function key of
your universal remote control.
At every keystroke the red LED lights up
Possibly every function of your original
remote control is not directly available on the
universal remote control.
In particular near newer devices it is possible
that the functions are fi rst of all put aside or
not at all available among other keys than
With the AV Taste you choose usually the AV
input of the TV set for e.g. the STB receiver
or the video recorder.
Special functions
„electronic program“
The key EPG (13) corresponds to the function
„Electronic Program Guide“ and has different
functions, depending on which device this
is used.
At STB - or VCR - codes keep you up the
key a programming carry out, provided that
your video recorder about a SHOWVIEW
- function.
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11.12.2008 11:59:14 Uhr
11.12.2008 11:59:14 Uhr