1 Introduction
1.1 Copyright and disclaimers
The contents of this document are strictly confidential and for information purposes only. Disclosing the information
in this document without an appropriate contract or permission by Halton to any third party is prohibited. This
document remains the sole property of Halton and may not be duplicated, borrowed, copied, amended, modified,
reproduced, transmitted or distributed to any third party without the prior written consent of Halton. Any information
held in this document or associated materials may only be used for the purpose specified in this document.
Halton disclaims any and all liability related to this document. Halton gives no explicit or implied warranties in terms
of this document. Any permitted use of the information included herein is at your own risk. Halton may amend or
replace the information included in this document at its sole discretion without further notice and liability.
All intellectual property rights or applications thereof, including without limitation copyright, model rights, patents,
trade secrets, trade names, trademarks, know-how (whether registered or unregistered) attributable to this
document remain the sole and exclusive property of Halton. No rights or licenses are granted.
1.2 About this document
This document provides the instructions on how to install, commission, operate, and maintain the product. This
document is intended for properly trained persons performing these tasks.
Note: Project-specific variations are possible.
1.3 Summary of changes
June 2021
First version
Halton Safe Management 2.0 (SM2) - Installation, commissioning, operating, and maintenance guide
All rights reserved ©Halton