3 Transport, storage and handling
3.1 Pre-packing and packing
Prior to packing, Halton inspects all products fully for any damages or physical faults. Halton inspects all
nameplates and identification tags against the purchase order and the Halton order confirmation to eliminate the
possibility of any mistakes or issues. If necessary, corrections are made.
Once the pre-packing procedure is complete, each product is sorted and packed according to weight and size.
Depending on the shipping requirements, the products are packed onto open pallets or pallets protected by
wooden covers. The products are secured to the pallets with plastic wrapping and straps. Some smaller products
are packed in cardboard boxes.
3.2 Shipping and handling
Prior to loading the shipment, all packing and shipping documentation is checked.
One copy of the packing list is attached to each pallet, crate, or cardboard box in a waterproof plastic envelope.
Any additional copies of packing lists, customs invoices, shipping marks, and other documents are added
according to the client and shipping company requirements.
Use a forklift for loading or unloading the pallets.
Note: Some of the components can be delivered to the site in separate shipments.
3.3 Checking the received equipment
1. Inspect the pallet or cardboard box and the products for any damage or missing parts. If you detect any
damage, or the shipment is incomplete, immediately file a claim with the shipping company.
2. Confirm that the products that you received are the ones that you ordered. If the products are not the ones
you ordered, see
Fault reporting and reclamations
for instructions.
3.4 Unpacking
1. Remove the straps and the plastic wrapping or other package covers from the pallets. Open the cardboard
boxes. Avoid damaging the products when you unpack them.
3.5 Storing the equipment
Do not expose the products to weather or store them outside.
Halton Safe Management 2.0 (SM2) - Installation, commissioning, operating, and maintenance guide
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