6. To copy the events of a day, do the following:
a. In the schedule view, select "Copy events".
b. In the selection window, select the days to copy from and to, then select "Copy".
7. To remove an event, do the following:
a. In the schedule view, select the event.
b. In the selection window, select "C", then select "Change".
8. When you are ready with the test schedule, to save the changes, select "Change".
5.3.15 Testing the system
Here you verify that the system is working as it should. You can test the whole system or an alarm group (zone).
1. Log in as Installer. For instructions, see
2. Select the zone settings icon.
3. To test the whole system manually, in the Zone settings view, at the lower part of the view, select "Test all".
Halton Safe Management 2.0 (SM2) - Installation, commissioning, operating, and maintenance guide
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