Copyright © 2023 Halogen Systems, Inc. All rights reserved worldwide.
Getting Started
Welcome to the Halogen family of products
The D20 is a multichannel display/controller for Halogen MP5 and other Halogen sensors. The combination of
the Halogen D20 and MP5 represents a proprietary hardware and software system enabling real-time insights
and intelligent analysis of onsite water quality.
The photograph below shows a demonstration of the D20 display/controller
the left) and the MP5 sensor (on the right) mounted on a custom backplate to
The controller shows sensor measurements and other data on the display,
transmits analog and digital signals, and interacts with other devices through
outputs and relays. Outputs, relays, and sensors are configured and calibrated
through the user interface on the front of the controller or remotely for network-connected controllers.
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