Copyright © 2023 Halogen Systems, Inc. All rights reserved worldwide.
Installation checklist
Make sure power and connectivity services are available at the site
Confirm that everything is included in the box
Gather the tools necessary for the installation
Install the D20 display/controller
Mount the enclosure to a wall or to a pole
Configure the electrical connectors and fittings
Connect the 4-20mA cabling
Set up Halogen sensor
Learn how the Halogen side stream sensor works
Install the flow cell (it must be vertically oriented)
Connect devices to the M12 connector
Start up and commission
Power up the D20 display/controller
Monitor the D20 start-up status on its display panel
Set the time of day
Configure communication
Set up additional control features
Install the sensor, connect to the D20 display/controller, and set up flow sensor interlock