Copyright © 2023 Halogen Systems, Inc. All rights reserved worldwide.
24AWG cabling, 7
4-20mA wiring, 7
advanced features, 12
checklist, 14
Chlorine level, 10
colorimeter, 2
commissioning, 2
commissioning step, 2
compliance and certification, i
connect to PLC, 11
connectors, 6
installation, 5
mounting to a pole, 6
mounting to a wall, 5
opening the cover, 7
specification, 16
start-up, 10
display options, 18
flow cell
installation, 9
orientation, 9
flow sensor interlock, 13
Sensors, 13
Halogen side stream sensor, 8
inspection step, 11
installation of the display/controller step, 2
installation step, 5
John Guest push-to-connect
(PTC) fittings
, 8
limited warranty (Halogen Systems), 19
loop powered, 7
mounting, 5
installation, 12
specification, 17
planning step, 2, 3
potable water line, 8
power, 3
precautionary labels, i
safety information, i
sensor connections, 12
sensors and accessories, 18
services at site, 3
technical specification
D20 display/controller, 16
technical support, ii
time of day, setting, 10
trademarks and copyrights, i
troubleshooting and FAQ, 15
warranty, 19
what you’ll need, 4
what’s included, 4