Hague Filter Owner's Manual
1. No display on
PC board
A . Depleted battery
A . See Operating Display and Maintenance section
B . Control valve power adapter not plugged into outlet
or power cord end not connected to PC board
B . Plug power adapter into outlet or connect
power cord end to PC board connection
C . Improper power supply
C . Verify proper voltage is being delivered to
PC board
D . Defective power adapter
D . Replace power adapter
E. Defective PC board
E . Replace PC board
F . No power at electric outlet
F . Repair outlet or use working outlet
2. PC board does not display
correct time
of day
A . Power adapter plugged into electric outlet controlled
by light switch
A . Use uninterrupted outlet
B . Tripped breaker switch and/or tripped GFI
B . Reset breaker switch and/or GFI switch
C . Power outage
C . Reset time of day . If PC board has battery
back up present the battery may be depleted . See
front cover and drive assembly drawing
for instructions .
D . Defective PC board
D . Replace PC board
3. Display does not indicate
that water is flowing.
Refer to user instructions
for how the display
indicates water
is flowing.
A . Bypass valve in bypass position
A . Turn bypass handles to place bypass in
service position
B . Meter is not connected to meter connection on PC
B . Connect meter to three pin connection labeled
METER on PC board
C . Restricted/stalled meter turbine
C . Remove meter and check for rotation or
foreign material
D . Meter wire not installed securely into three
pin connector
D . Verify meter cable wires are installed securely into
three pin connector labeled METER
E . Defective meter
E . Replace meter
F . Defective PC board
F . Replace PC board
4. Control valve regenerates
at wrong time of day
A . Power outage
A . Reset time of day . If PC board has battery
back up present the battery may be depleted . See
front cover and drive assembly drawing
for instructions .
B . Time of day not set correctly
B . Reset to correct time of day
C . Time of regeneration set incorrectly
C . Reset regeneration time
D . Control valve set at “on 0” (immediate regeneration) D . Check programming setting and reset to NORMAL
(for a delayed regen time)
E . Control valve set at “ on 0”
(delayed and/or immediate)
E . Check programming setting and reset to NORMAL
(for a delayed regen time)
5. Time of day flashes on
and off
A . Power outage
A . Reset time of day . If PC board has battery
back up present the battery may be depleted . See
front cover and drive assembly drawing
for instructions .
6. Control valve does not
regenerate automatically
when the correct button(s)
is depressed and held.
For timeclock valves the
buttons are
For all other valves the
button is REGEN.
A . Broken drive gear or drive cap assembly
A . Replace drive gear or drive cap assembly
B . Broken piston rod
B . Replace piston rod
C . Defective PC board
C . Defective PC board
D . Cover installed incorrectly
D . Reinstall cover
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