PowerSmoke 740 (HV) Operating Instructions
Version 2.0
In order to unburden the receiver, the supply can also be applied by a
free channel of a battery switch with servo current distribution (e.g.
DPSI Mini, DPSI RV or DPSI 2001 RV). Here too, observe the
maximum possible current, especially, when the selected output
voltage of the dual power supply is lower than the voltage of the
connected battery.
It is saver to supply the pump with a separate battery. The supply of
the pump motor should contain a switch because even when the pump
is inactive, a small quiescent current (180µA) discharges the battery
slowly. Alternatively, the battery can be simply disconnected.
Do not use batteries for ignition systems or turbines as supply. Hereby, immense
disturbances of the receiver set are possible. Be aware, that up to
6 amps
power on current can occur.
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