Quick Start Instructions:
Making your own pure distilled water is easy as 1, 2, 3!
Don’t let this detailed Instruction Manual discourage you. We try to
explain everything possible so there is no guess work about the best
way to set up and operate your distiller. But it is actually very easy to
After assembling the carafe and giving everything a quick cleaning,
here’s all you do:
#1-Fill boiling tank with water to the indented line and replace top;
#2-Position the collection carafe under the distilled water outlet;
#3-Push the On/Reset button when you are ready. That’s it!
In less time than it takes to prepare a coffee maker, you will be making
the very purest water you can drink. For more details and information
about your distiller, read this Instruction Manual to discover shortcuts to
make your water distillation experience even easier and more enjoyable.
SAFETY INSTRUCTIONS - Read Before Assembling Carafe
CAUTION: Always handle the Glass Carafe with care to avoid
breakage and possible injury.
▲Discontinue use of the Carafe if it is cracked or chipped. Ordinary
imperfections in the glass such as scratches, marks, bubbles or
blemishes, are completely normal and not a cause for concern.
▲Broken glass should be carefully collected and placed into a rigid box
or container so it can be handled and disposed of properly without
▲Follow Assembly Instructions accurately to ensure safety. An
improperly assembled glass Carafe could cause damage to it or result in
personal injury.
▲Place a towel on the table surface underneath the Carafe to prevent
sliding or damage during assembly or while cleaning.
▲When using Carafe, use both hands for proper support.
▲When setting Carafe on any hard surface, (especially when full), take
care to rest it gently on the surface to avoid damage.
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