Characteristics of Di
culty Grade WW 4 – Very Hard:
• Big rapids, waves, pillows, whirlpools and strong blockage;
inspection of the river sections to be taken is recommended.
Subjective requirements for WW 4 white-water kayaking:
• Superb knowledge of technique and tactics of white-wa-
ter kayaking. Ability to evaluate the di
culty and water
condition. Skills of rescue from water, swimming in white
water. Bodily and mental strength.
Technical equipment:
• Close-decked craft or craft with self-emptying bottom, life
jacket with a minimum displacement of 7.5 kg, helmet, clo-
thes protecting against cold (wetsuit), rescue equipment.
Pay great attention to your choice of fl otation life-jac-
ket. The fl otation life-jacket should have a tag bearing
details of its fl otation capabilities and safety certifi ca-
5. Folding of the kayak - see Fig. 3
Remove dirt and dry the boat before folding.
Deflate the seats and the front foot rest. Release of the
air can be accelerated by rolling the boat towards the val-
ves or by machine extraction. No sharp items may remain
in the boat! Once the air has bled, spread the boat so that
the bottom lies on the ground with the side tubes folded
towards the centre of the boat, overlapping by approxima-
tely 15 cm. Continue with folding the boat ca. 30 cm from
the front tip towards the valves up to ca. 130 cm from the
end. Proceed in the same way with folding the remaining
part of the corpus from the tip towards the middle. Place
the folded halves one upon another and tie the compre-
ssion straps. Squeeze out the air from the bag, roll the
end of the bag and tie with buckles.
6. Treatment and Storage
The rubber surface coating of the boat is sensitive to oils, gas-
oline, toluene, acetone, kerosene and similar thinning agents.
Prior to storing a dirty boat, wash it down with warm soapy
water. Rinse the boat with fresh water after using the boat in
seawater. It is recommended to check the state of the infl ation
valves and the safety relief valves. If a valve is not air-tight,
it is possible to unscrew the valve body from the boat with
the use of a special valve-key and clean its membrane with
a strong jet of water or compressed air. Prior to storage, it is
recommended to rub the surface of the boat with an agent
intended for the treatment of such surfaces, which has cleaning
properties, and which impregnates the material to prevent
further dirtying, or which is capable of forming a protective
UV-fi lter. Never use agents containing silicon when treating
your boat. Store the cleaned and dried boat in a dark, dry
place at temperatures of between 10- 25°C. During long-term
storage, it is recommended to infl ate the boat for 24 hours
from time to time to avoid fatiguing the fold lines. It is also
recommended to have the boat serviced by the manufactu-
rer‘s authorized service station at least once every two or
three years.
Proper care and treatment of the boat will increase its
service life.
7. Guarantee Conditions
The guarantee period is 24 months and is calculated from the
date of sale. The producer provides cost-free repairs or repla-
cement of faulty components for material faults or production
faults. The warrant does not cover any damage of the air
chambers resulting from higher than the prescribed working
pressure !!!
8. Boat Repairs
You can easily repair a damaged boat yourselves by means
of the accompanying gluing set.
• mark out the damaged area on the boat and choose
an appropriately sized patch;
• the surfaces of both patch and place to be glued must
be clean, dry and without traces of old glue;
• the patch and the damaged area and degrease the area to
be glued by using acetone or gasoline;
• spread a thin layer of glue on both surfaces to be glued
and repeat this step once the fi rst layer has dried;
• after the second layer has dried, press the patch fi rmly
on the damaged place, weigh down or use a rolling pin
on a fl at surface.
For minor repairs (punctures), it is possible to re-infl ate the
boat and continue using it after waiting for approx. 30 minutes;
after more serious repairs, you should wait for 24 hours before
using the repaired boat. Complicated repairs should be per-
formed by the manufacturer or at authorized service stations.
Guarantee repairs and post-guarantee repairs are provi-
ded by the manufacturer:
GUMOTEX, a. s.
Mládežnická 3062/3a
690 75 Břeclav
Czech Republic
9. Product Disposal Method
The product should be disposed of at municipal waste dis-
posal sites.
10. Packaging Disposal Method
Cardboard - recycle as the indicated symbol directs. PE-LD
plastic wrap (low-density branched polyethylene) - recycle
as the indicated symbol directs.