Operator - 7
Reflections and targets
Reflections from targets are shown as yellow squares on the seascape. The
signal processing in RadaScan ensures that only reflections from genuine
targets can be recognised and displayed. When navigating a coloured box is
drawn around the reflection square to show the quality of the association with
a known target.
This circular area is a seascape and shows the relationship between the
RadaScan vessel and the targets. There are a number of key elements within
the Sensor display:
RadaScan vessel
The RadaScan vessel image is shown, as determined by the setting in the
Display options, either as an outline or a solid filled shape, with a distinct bow
and stern, or alternatively the vessel image may be switched off - see
Depending upon the chosen display option, the centre of the Sensor display
will either represent the RadaScan vessel, or the target origin of the current
multi-target group - see
Display options.
Range circles
A series of radiating labelled concentric circles provide a visual indication of the
location of the RadaScan vessel to the targets. Use the Zoom in and Zoom out
buttons to change the scale of the display.
Target reference frame
Indicates the A-B axis that the RadaScan system uses to define the positions of
each target. This axis can be included/excluded from the display as required -
Display options.
Sensor display
Radascan Operators Manual 20/11/06 1:46 pm Page 7