Expert Sensor Box 7211/7212
read or a write SNMP access. Since these passwords are sent unencrypted and are easily intercepted
with IP sniffers, it is recommended to use a safe network structure (DMZ) when security is required.
The values ?
that can be read from the device or changed, the so-called "Managed Objects", are descri-
bed in Management Information Bases (MIBs). The MIB table is build of substructures that are called
OIDs (Object Identifiers). An OID number indicates the location of a value within the MIB tree. Each OID
may alternatively be referred to with its symbol name (subtree name).
SNMP Traps
SNMP Traps are system messages that are sent via the SNMP protocol to different recipients. SNMP
traps are triggered by the following events:
Turning on the device
Enable/disable of syslog in the configuration
Exceeding of the max / min values ?
of attached sensors
Syslog messages are simple text messages that are sent via UDP to a syslog server. Under Linux,
normally a syslog daemon is already running (eg. syslog-ng), for Microsoft Windows systems some
freeware programs are available on the market. The syslog messages are sent for the following events:
Turning on the device
Enable/disable of syslog in the configuration
Exceeding of the max / min values ?
of attached sensors
You will find the latest product software on our website at www.gude.info available for download. If you
have further questions about installation or operation of the unit, please contact our support team. Fur-
thermore, we present in our support wiki at www.gude.info/wiki FAQs and configuration examples.
Gude Analog- und Digitalsysteme GmbH
Eintrachtstraße 113
50668 Cologne
Phone: +49-221-912 90 97
Fax: +49-221-912 90 98
E-Mail: [email protected]
Internet: www.gude.info
Managing Director: Dr.-Ing. Michael Gude
District Court: Köln, HRB-Nr. 17 7 84