the letters your partner reads
out are the same as shown un-
der “Partner says”.
Once you have confirmed that
the letters match, you can
exchange encrypted SMS mes-
sages with your
partner by selecting
the “SMS” icon on
the CryptoPhone
main screen.
The SMS key material is kept
inside the secure storage con-
tainer and is used to generate
individual message keys for
your future encrypted SMS mes-
sage communication with this
The initial key exchange can be
renewed at any time following
the procedure above.
9 Timeline
The timeline shows
your call and SMS
Since the timeline
can reveal sensitive informa-
tion about you and your com-
munication partners, you can
configure whether and when
items get saved to the history as
an option in the CryptoPhone
“Settings” menu.
You can choose to store events
to the timeline even while the
secure storage container is not
unlocked. Be aware that the call
history for this period is stored
in a way that can be subject
to forensic analysis, until the
secure storage container is un-
locked the next time.